Messages from the Spirit World

The Padgett Messages

“The Padgett Messages” is probably the most single, significant collection of spirit messages received to date via “automatic writing” mediumship.  First, the shear volume of spirit messages alone are astounding.  During his mediumship years, it is estimated that James E. Padgett received over 3,000 messages from over 300 different spirits!  We say “his mediumship years” because Mr. Padgett was not a medium during the majority of his life.  In fact, he was a practicing attorney in the Washington D.C. area, and he never went public nor made any profit from the messages he received. Click here to read more about America’s Unknown Medium.

Download the complete collection of the Padgett Messages in a free, PDF booklet by clicking the link near the bottom of this page.
Of the spirit communications that James E. Padgett received, about 1,500 have been published and made available to any who are interested in the descriptions of the afterlife from some of the Earth’s most famous living persons, over 300 different spirits.

Thanks to the work of Geoff Cutler and the work of Joseph Babinsky, we have a single publication of the available Padgett Messages in chronological order.  Reading the messages in time order allows you to read them in context as Mr. Padgett received them, and it also allows you to see the progress of Mr. Padgett as a medium as well as the progress of the spirits he helped.

Click to the right to download:  The Padgett Messages