Messages from the Spirit World

Lowlands of Heavens

Lowlands of Heaven: The Life Beyond the Veil Volume 1  is the first book from medium, Rev. George Vale Owen.  From the Amazon description, it states:

“This book was originally published in England in 1920. The recorder is
the Rev. G. Vale Owen, vicar of Orford, Lancashire. The messages
contained in this book were also published in a daily newspaper by the
owner Lord Northcliffe. As such they were widely read, and widely
acclaimed. It is curious therefor that they have slipped into relative
obscurity only 100 years later, even though they were widely accepted
within the Church of England and beyond.

The content of these volumes is not quite as fact-packed as for
example the works by Anthony Borgia, but they have a unique style. In a
way that is hard to describe, its almost as if you are accompanying each
spirit as they go about their day. This conveys their life in a way not
found in any other source. The facts conveyed are much the same as a
great many other spirit communications, but it is this sense of being
there that is different.”

Lowlands of Heavens - spirit communications ebook

To download Volume 1, right click here: Lowlands of Heaven: The Life Beyond the Veil Vol. I